Helping to protect and restore our natural ecosystems to generate climate impact while benefiting local communities and biodiversity
About Us
We invest in opportunities that require patient capital to be nurtured into impactful and scalable solutions with the ability to drive positive impact for our planet and people, while generating sustainable returns.
Our Investment Approach
What is it? |
Why is it important? |
How can nature-based carbon credits accelerate decarbonisation? |
Delivering deep decarbonisation impact through climate-driven technologies
What is it? |
Why is it important? |
How can technology-based carbon credits accelerate decarbonisation? |
Supporting the development of an effective, efficient and credible carbon markets ecosystem
What is it? |
Why is it important? |
How can a better carbon ecosystem accelerate decarbonisation? |
- Nature-based Solutions
Helping to protect and restore our natural ecosystems to generate climate impact while benefiting local communities and biodiversity
What is it? - Nature-based solutions aim to protect, restore, and manage natural ecosystems to avoid, reduce, or remove carbon, while benefiting local communities and enhancing biodiversity.
- Some examples include, forests conservation and restoration, blue carbon, and sustainable agriculture.
Why is it important? - Nature-based solutions provide over one-third of the cost-effective climate mitigation needed to achieve net zero emissions by 2050.
- Support from the private sector plays a critical role in scaling the implementation of nature-based solutions globally.
How can nature-based carbon credits accelerate decarbonisation? - While reduction is a priority, companies will still have unavoidable emissions. Purchasing high-quality nature-based carbon credits can help offset residual emissions while funding real emission reduction projects and putting a price on carbon.
- For instance, when purchasing these credits, companies and individuals are able to support projects and activities that protect ecosystems, reduce or remove emissions, and support community development – enabling them to contribute to positive climate action immediately, while accounting for their residual/unabateable emissions.
- Technology-based Solutions
Delivering deep decarbonisation impact through climate-driven technologies
What is it? - Climate-driven technologies focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions to address the impact of global warming.
- Examples include, low-carbon materials, carbon capture, utilisation and sequestration (CCUS), and advanced biofuels.
Why is it important? - Many decarbonisation technologies and innovations currently exist but require dedicated capital to accelerate commercial viability and deployment to scale.
- By deploying capital into technology-based solutions, we can help support transition pathways for carbon-intensive sectors such as energy & power, transport, building & construction as well as manufacturing to achieve a low-carbon future sooner.
How can technology-based carbon credits accelerate decarbonisation? - Technology-based carbon credits provide a financial mechanism to sustainable solution providers, reducing the green premium often associated with developing sustainable products while accelerating the deployment of decarbonisation technologies.
- For instance, to drive the adoption of sustainable materials with a lower carbon footprint vis-à-vis conventional products, technology-based carbon credits issued by a sustainable supplier can help offset higher production costs often associated with greener production practices, encouraging a shift towards greener practices in a just manner.
- Carbon Ecosystem Enablers
Supporting the development of an effective, efficient and credible carbon markets ecosystem
What is it? - Carbon ecosystem enablers are companies and solutions that support the development of an effective, efficient, and credible carbon markets ecosystem.
- These include areas relating to carbon advisory, exchange and infrastructure, and technology enablers such as Monitoring, Reporting & Verification (MRV) and regenerative forestry technologies.
Why is it important? - A credible carbon market is critical to foster trust and transparency among ecosystem partners to achieve scale.
- An effective and trusted carbon market can accelerate decarbonisation by providing a mechanism to fund decarbonisation technologies and projects.
How can a better carbon ecosystem accelerate decarbonisation? - Robust science, research and methodology is needed to track and monitor carbon sequestration. MRV technology can help assess and validate additionality and permanence at scale by using technology such as machine learning and remote sensing.
- Carbon markets also require transparency on pricing and quality, as well as seamless infrastructure to enable efficient trading. In this aspect, digital carbon exchanges and marketplaces can help enhance transparency and trust across the ecosystem, while mitigating against issues such as double counting.

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Policy
At GenZero, we believe that appropriate management of environmental, social and governance factors together is fundamental to long-term value creation and risk mitigation. This ESG Policy is an articulation of part of GenZero’s broader approach towards integrating sustainability into the investment process and organisational philosophy by drawing on industry best practices.
We expect to continue to evolve this policy to meet the changing needs and industry practices, and to cater to the development phases of the organisation. This ESG Policy was last updated in June 2023 and will be reviewed on an annual basis and updated as appropriate.